
  • Name: Benny
  • Sex: Male
  • Est. Birth: January 2016
  • Height: 45 cm
  • Weight: 12 kg

Institution details

About Benny

Benny is a slightly timid boy who gets his bravery from other dogs. Once he knows you, he comes out of his shell and will come to you for a hug and a cuddle. We are not sure Benny would ever become a lapdog but he could definitely be a sofa dog!

His new home would ideally have another dog there to show him the way to behave and that his new humans are safe once he has settled in.

Benny has consistently shared spaces with other females at the shelter and has been introduced to plenty of other dogs. He loves to play and his favourite pastime is chasing birds. He likes to nibble at his food throughout the day rather than guzzling it down.

Benny‘s Story

We know Benny was wandering the streets of the local town for some weeks before someone managed to get hold of him and take him to the local shelter. He has been at the shelter since February 2022.

Want to Know More?
We will always try our best to give an accurate and a most recent description for all the animals with the help of our partners directly caring for them, however, such huge personalities cannot be summed up in a few lines! If you would like further details or have any specific questions then feel free to contact us and we will be happy to provide the information you need to help decide in confidence.