
  • Name: Bonny
  • Sex: Female
  • Est. Birth: June 2021
  • Height: 40 cm
  • Weight: 20 kg

Institution details

About Bonny

Bonny is a big goofy labrador type. She is super fun to play with, she likes cuddles and running around the park.  She is social with most other dogs and lives well in the same kennel as another male but she can be reactive to other female dogs.

Bonny is extremely strong pulling on the leash and needs a good shoulder to walk her, a lot of this pulling is simple enthusiasm to be out walking and will improve with regular exercise.  She went to agility class and had great fun running around the obstacles!

Bonny‘s Story

Bonny was a stray on the street and she was rescued by the shelter and taken into care during June 2023

Want to Know More?
We will always try our best to give an accurate and a most recent description for all the animals with the help of our partners directly caring for them, however, such huge personalities cannot be summed up in a few lines! If you would like further details or have any specific questions then feel free to contact us and we will be happy to provide the information you need to help decide in confidence.