
  • Name: Dini
  • Sex: Female
  • Est. Birth: January 2018
  • Height: 45 cm
  • Weight: 15 kg

Institution details

About Dini

Dini is learning house rules and currently lives calmly with another older female and a male dog. She walks well on the leash and loves to be with people!

She is a bit nervous in new situations and can be a little fearful of what is going to happen. If you handle her with softness and love, you achieve success. Dini is a sweet girl looking for a family to give her lots of playtime in the garden, belly rubs and snuggles on the sofa.

Dini‘s Story

Dini was a stray being fed by the villagers when a local man noticed she was ill and asked if the local rescue shelter could help arrange a vet. They discovered she had botulism. Fortunately, she has completely recovered and is now a healthy young dog currently living in a foster home and waiting for her forever home. 

Want to Know More?
We will always try our best to give an accurate and a most recent description for all the animals with the help of our partners directly caring for them, however, such huge personalities cannot be summed up in a few lines! If you would like further details or have any specific questions then feel free to contact us and we will be happy to provide the information you need to help decide in confidence.