
  • Name: Frances
  • Sex: Male
  • Est. Birth: January 2019
  • Height: 55 cm
  • Weight: 20 kg

Institution details

About Frances

Frances looks like a German Shorthaired Pointer and his character is certainly a match for this breed. 

Super loyal, once he trusts you, he sticks to your hip like glue! Enthusiastic, boundless energy, the usual pointer personality.

He walks confident and fast on the leash, sniffing and exploring everywhere then checking in with his human. Frances is a friendly boy, a little nervous to begin with new people, then when he trusts you, he is super affectionate. Frances is looking for an active family to give him plenty of daily exercise and fun, then snuggle up on the sofa together.

Frances‘s Story

Frances was found abandoned on the street in March 2023 and rescued by the shelter. We want to get him out of this shelter so he can get the lifestyle he needs and deserves!

Want to Know More?
We will always try our best to give an accurate and a most recent description for all the animals with the help of our partners directly caring for them, however, such huge personalities cannot be summed up in a few lines! If you would like further details or have any specific questions then feel free to contact us and we will be happy to provide the information you need to help decide in confidence.