
  • Name: Tigressa
  • Sex: Female
  • Est. Birth: March 2016
  • Height: 48 cm
  • Weight: 23 kg

Institution details

About Tigressa

Tigressa was found in the woods as a young dog, it’s quite sad really that she has spent pretty much her whole life in a shelter.  She was initially in a council-run shelter and when they were above capacity, the local rescue shelter offered to take a couple of females to relieve the pressure on them, and Tigressa was one. 

She was a little shy to start with but is now coming out of her ‘shell’. She is very food-orientated and will do pretty much anything for a treat, so she would probably learn very easily in a home, she loves a cuddle and a head scruff too!

She does take her lead from a dominant male so would ideally like to be rehomed with another confident dog/brother. She will likely need some house training too. 

Tigressa’s new owner will initially find her nervous until she is settled and feels safe. 

Tigressa‘s Story

Tigressa was found in the woods as a puppy and has been living in shelters since. She has been with the current shelter since April 2021.

Want to Know More?
We will always try our best to give an accurate and a most recent description for all the animals with the help of our partners directly caring for them, however, such huge personalities cannot be summed up in a few lines! If you would like further details or have any specific questions then feel free to contact us and we will be happy to provide the information you need to help decide in confidence.